Model B: Orchid Mantis

Model B: Orchid Mantis


3D Printed Sculpture with Embedded Media Display and LCD Display with Dynamic Video Loop

44cm x 43cm x 40cm


3D Printed Sculpture with Embedded Media Display and LCD Display with Dynamic Video Loop

44cm x 43cm x 40cm


This sculptural study of the lifeform known colloquially as the Orchid Mantis, exhibits some curious hybrid and chimeric behaviors that refer both to plants and animals. Not much is known of its anatomy or behavior- but the design of this sculpture implies that it served as a kind of religious object as well as a focus for ritual activity. Anthropologists have surmised that it might have been used in practices relating to therianthropy or shapeshifting, where identity, gender, species, and genus are fluid in the context of the ritual space. Without other artifacts, we can only guess at the nature of the society that created this object, and how their people might have lived.

'Artifacts from the Age of Collapse'

This sculptural study of the lifeform known colloquially as the Orchid Mantis, exhibits some curious hybrid and chimeric behaviors that refer both to plants and animals. Not much is known of its anatomy or behavior- but the design of this sculpture implies that it served as a kind of religious object as well as a focus for ritual activity. Anthropologists have surmised that it might have been used in practices relating to therianthropy or shapeshifting, where identity, gender, species, and genus are fluid in the context of the ritual space. Without other artifacts, we can only guess at the nature of the society that created this object, and how their people might have lived.

'Artifacts from the Age of Collapse'