Model D: 黑科技

Model D: 黑科技


3D Printed Sculpture with Embedded Media Display and LCD Display with Dynamic Video Loop

28cm x 26cm x 25cm


3D Printed Sculpture with Embedded Media Display and LCD Display with Dynamic Video Loop

28cm x 26cm x 25cm


Heikeji 黑科技

The term 黑科技 (Heikeji) was coined during the early decades of the 21st century, referring to the opacity in the working processes of the ever-accelerating technologies relating to AI, surveillance, and cryptography. This relic, recovered in the ruins of Neo-Shanghai, represents a now-lost application of these concepts. It's use now obscure to us, it perhaps was an aesthetic object, an evolution of the Chinese Box, representing a dark mirror to a form of Chinoiserie, in which Western views of the inscrutability of Chinese thought, culture and technology are reflected in its harsh and uncanny aggressiveness.

'The Bezos Collection: 21st Century Sinofuturist Chinese Art and Design''

Heikeji 黑科技

The term 黑科技 (Heikeji) was coined during the early decades of the 21st century, referring to the opacity in the working processes of the ever-accelerating technologies relating to AI, surveillance, and cryptography. This relic, recovered in the ruins of Neo-Shanghai, represents a now-lost application of these concepts. It's use now obscure to us, it perhaps was an aesthetic object, an evolution of the Chinese Box, representing a dark mirror to a form of Chinoiserie, in which Western views of the inscrutability of Chinese thought, culture and technology are reflected in its harsh and uncanny aggressiveness.

'The Bezos Collection: 21st Century Sinofuturist Chinese Art and Design''